What is a Gift Meal Challenge
Even a Simplest Homecooked Meal is a Gift
Cotfoo is taking a step closer to healthy mind and body by promoting homemade meals and natural wholesome food. Gift a Meal is Cotfoo's small step for spreading generosity and sustainable life in the world by motivating people to offer a gift meal to a stranger or friend and request them to perform an act of kindness ( such as 'plant a tree', 'avoid plastic bag and use cloth bags', 'spend time with elders' etc ) in return of the Gift Meal their friend has offered to them. These small acts of generosity will propagate and create positive ripples in the world .
Here are the steps you need to follow -
1. Signup/login at Cotfoo
2. After Signup click here to accept "Gift Meal Challenge"
3. Fill and Submit the form and you are all set.
4. You and your friend will receive a confirmation email.
Next steps -
Call your friend to confirm they received your invitation for your Gift Meal. Have a Meal with them at your house and listen to their experience ( if they already performed ) or how they plan to perform the "Act of Kindness" you requested.
Take a picture of your Gift Meal session and write few lines about your adventure and post it on Asmakam and Cotfoo facebook page and instagram (@Cotfoo, @ Asmakam2014) and also share on your social media and tag your friends.
Be prepared to share your experience with Cotfoo and Asmakam Team. Motivate your friend to become the agent of change by forwarding this challange and spread kindness in the world.